Kranemann Wine Estates reinforces Wine Tourism Programme

Jul 8th 24

Kranemann Wine Estates has opened the Quinta do Convento de São Pedro das Águias Convent to wine tourism. Alessandra Marc coordinates the programme and is an excellent addition to the team.

The Quinta of Convento de São Pedro das Águias estate is one of the oldest properties in the Douro, dating back to the 12th century and the presence of monks from the Cistercian Order. Its Wine Tourism Programme offers visits and tastings that are now available permanently. They are subject to reservation and allow access to an immersive experience in the history of the convent, the wine heritage and the wines (DOC Douro and Port) produced there. Alessandra Marc, a wine tourism specialist who recently joined the Kranemann Wine Estates team, coordinates the program.

The Wine Tourism Programme offers visits and tastings harmonized with products from the region (cheese boards, homemade bread, jams, and the extra virgin olive oil produced on the estate). These can be booked daily from 9 am to 5.30 pm. The wine options are diverse, with a premium solution that includes a Masterclass with oenologist Maria Susete Melo.

Tasting options (price per person):
3 wines (DOC and Port according to the client's choice): 35€
4 wines (DOC and Port according to customer's choice): 50€
5 wines (DOC and Port according to customer's choice): 70€
Masterclass with the winemaker (6 wines of the winemaker's choice): 120€

Booking contacts:
+351 912386690

The visits are infused with the charm and history of the convent, a former monastery that overlooks the Távora Valley's vineyards. The influence of the Cistercian monks, who left their legacy of wine production, is present when you walk through the cloisters, through the garden with its central fountain and by the beautiful church. The visit continues through the vineyards, where you will learn about winemaking. The experience culminates with a wine tasting at the convent.

Alessandra Marc was born in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and is passionate about wine. She has travelled the world and experienced different cultures, and her love of wine led her to complete a master's Degree in Innovation in Wine Tourism in 2022, with studies in Spain, France, and
Portugal. Now Wine Tourism Coordinator at Kranemann Wine Estates, she has developed experiences in history, art, and culture. Wine production has been present at the Quinta do Convento de São Pedro das Águias since the 12th century, when the monks of the Cistercian Order settled there, introducing agricultural practices and laying the foundations for the convent.

About Kranemann Wine Estates
Kranemann Wine Estates is a wine project envisaged by Christoph Kranemann, an oenophile who fell in love with the Douro, its wines, and the Quinta do Convento de São Pedro das Águias, an emblematic property located in Tavora, in the oldest demarcated wine region in the world. A renowned surgeon in North America, Christoph Kranemann developed a strong passion for the world of wine when, from the 1980s onwards, he began to combine professional travelling with discovering wine regions. The dream of establishing himself as a producer occurred to him in Australia, but the distance made it impossible. In 2004, after meeting his Portuguese wife, Christoph Kranemann travelled to Portugal, where he discovered the wines, grape varieties, and finally, the Douro. And there, he found the perfect setting for his dream in the Quinta do Convento de São Pedro das Águias, acquired in 2018. And so Kranemann Wine Estates was born in the unique Douro, with high-altitude vineyards and schist and granite soils, setting out to design unique DOC Douro and Port wines. And to build a new wine tourism project.